Lewis University, in partnership with the national search firm, Scott Healy & Associates, invites applications and nominations for the position of Associate Professor & Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Director. The successful candidate will design and develop this program that will be housed on the Romeoville campus. The Program Director will oversee the launch of the program, which is scheduled for January 2025.

Located 35 miles southwest of downtown Chicago, Lewis University is a comprehensive, Catholic university where the traditions of liberal learning and preparation for professional life give the university its educational identity and mission focus. Lewis provides more than 80 undergraduate majors and programs of study, 35 graduate programs, and accelerated programs for working adults through the Colleges of Aviation, Science and Technology; Business; Education and Social Sciences; Humanities, Fine Arts and Communications; and Nursing and Health Sciences.

Please contact Jamie Marcus at jamiemarcus@scotthealy.com for more info!